Research outputs


  1. Crossing (Biometric) Borders: Turning 'Gravity' Upside Down

    Simonsen, Anja2021I : Ethnos.

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  2. Issue Introduction: IDentities and Identity: Biometric Technologies, Borders and Migration

    Grünenberg, KristinaMøhl, P.Olwig, Karen Fog & Simonsen, Anja2021I : Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. 12 s.

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  1. Introduction: the biometric border world

    Olwig, Karen FogGrünenberg, KristinaMøhl, P. & Simonsen, Anja22 okt. 2019The Biometric Border World: Technology, Bodies and Identities on the Move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). London & New York: Routledge, s. 1-22 (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  2. Conclusion

    Olwig, Karen FogGrünenberg, KristinaMøhl, P. & Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). Oxon, New York: Routledge, s. 207-216 10 s. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  3. En route: Epilogue

    Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). Oxon, New York: Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  4. En route: Introducing the site

    Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). London & New York: Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  5. Fleeting (Biometric) Encounters: Care and Control at Italian Border Sites

    Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). London, New York: Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  6. Introduction: The biometric border world

    Olwig, Karen FogGrünenberg, KristinaMøhl, P. & Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). Oxon & New York: Routledge, s. 1-22 (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  7. The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move

    Olwig, Karen Fog (red.), Grünenberg, Kristina (red.), Møhl, P. (red.) & Simonsen, Anja (red.), 2019, London & New York: Routledge. 250 s. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

    Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Bog

  8. ‘In-formation’ and ‘Out-formation’: Routines and Gaps En Route

    Simonsen, Anja2019The biometric border world: technologies, bodies and identities on the move. Olwig, K. F., Grünenberg, K., Møhl, P. & Simonsen, A. (red.). London, New York: Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Anthropology).

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  1. Når Stemmerne Forstummer: Om samarbejde, vidensdeling og forræderi

    Møhl, P. & Simonsen, Anjajun. 2018I : Tidsskriftet Antropologi. 77s. 115-122 8 s.

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  2. Idil's story: Unpacking the complexity of displacement drivers in Somalia

    Simonsen, Anja2018I : Human Rights Defender. 272s. 10-13

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  3. Migrating for a Better Future: ‘Lost Time’ and Its Social Consequences Among Young Somali Migrants

    Simonsen, Anja2018Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled Mobilities across Global Spaces. Gardiner Barber, P. & Lem, W. (red.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, s. 103-121

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  1. Knowledge, loyalty and the dividual corporate researcher body

    Møhl, P. & Simonsen, Anja15 aug. 20179 s.

    Konferencebidrag › Paper › Forskning › fagfællebedømt

  2. Livets dreng på flugt

    Simonsen, Anja2017I : Jordens Folk. 523/4s. 42-50

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  3. Tahriib: The Journey into the Unknown: An Ethnography of mobility, insecurities and uncertainties among Somalis en route

    Simonsen, Anja2017, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.

    Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Ph.d.-afhandling


Migranternes livsfarlige vej mod Europa

Richter, Line & Simonsen, Anja16 jul. 2014I : Politiken.

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Hellere dø på havet end blive i Afrika

Richter, Line & Simonsen, Anja28 okt. 2013I : Dagbladet Information.

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